Monday, February 8, 2010


So this is our flagship post -

For a long time I've been jealously stalking other friend's blogs and wishing to have one of my own. I had tried a family blog a while back. But I felt self-centered only writing about myself all the time.

I'll warn you. I don't have the best diction or grammar. My sentences don't always make sense. But I feel incomplete unless I can get thoughts down on a page. So here it goes...

My dream for Harvest is to have a general place to express the thoughts and actions of a loving Christian wife, mother, woman, and all the other things God has created me to be (nurse, gardener, cook, cleaning lady, servant, etc.).

Some things that God has laid on my heart recently: callings.
Where has God called you?
We'll discuss that next time.


1 comment:

  1. what a lovely blog Jen! our pastor did a sermon on "being called to serve" a few years back that really got to me...was about we as Christians, being called to do the work of Christ. sometimes I sit around wondering what that means, and sometimes I almost feel a "tap" on the shoulder and then I know I was called to do that task or phone that friend, send that card...listen, and you will hear. just my thoughts....xoxo heather k
